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How leadership can play a role for organizational behavior?

Writer: Imran GhaniImran Ghani

The world has become a global village due to globalization. A village in which there is a high stream of competitions between organizations. In this case, the most beneficial maneuver for any company is to be innovative while conducting their business. Today’s world is facing not only financial crises but a crisis of “decision-making”. The accomplishments of any organization depend on the decisions taken by its leader. According to CNBC in 2019, 85% of US workers are satisfied with their jobs. For them, meaningfulness is the main feature which they consider when evaluating their job satisfaction.

In this article we shall discuss how a leader influences an organization and how he can play a role in creating harmony in an organization’s atmosphere. An organization is effective only when there is a balance between its owners, employees, community, and employees. The leader plays a vital role in the direction and orientation of an organization.

Relationship between leadership and organizational success:

There is a direct cause and effect relation between leadership and the success of an organization as it is a leader who determines culture, value, employee motivation and tolerance. A leader is a change agent who manages the whole process of organizational change effectively and efficiently, thus he needs to be competent and capable.

Changes in technology, client’s expectations and market situations have forced the companies to reevaluate their ways of working and be flexible to adopt the changes and implement them in their business model. You might be interested in Best Online Leadership courses.

Leadership Styles:

The culture of an organization shapes the best style of leadership. Different leadership styles are there in organizations. A leader should opt a style that matches best the needs of organization to achieve its goals.

Determinants of Organizational behavior:

The three main factor that affects organizational behavior are:

  • People

  • Structure

  • Technology

There are various kinds of people with different traits in an organization who works under an organizational structure to achieve common goals by implementing the latest technologies. These three are the main determinants that highly affect the functionality and behavior of an organization.

Organizational Behavior and Leadership:

Organizational behavior (OB) and leadership is the study of how individuals and groups act in various organizations. It is done by following a systematic approach that leads to achieve human, social, and organizational objectives.

Organizational behavior emphasizes on the behavior of employees in organizations. This includes their way of interaction with each other, along with their style of working within the organization’s structure to get things done .Top management plays an influential role in employees changing behaviors. Thus, they should be alert in analyzing if some employees engage in unfavorable behavior like dishonesty, cheating and miscommunication.

In essence, employees can exhibit the following various types of behavior at a workplace:

  • Productivity

  • Absenteeism

  • Turnover

  • Organizational Citizenship Behavior

  • Job Satisfaction

  • Workplace Misbehavior

What a leader can do to sustain desired organizational behavior?

No doubt, a leader plays a pivotal role in maintaining a positive atmosphere in an organization. He must be proactive in assessing its employees ‘behaviors and respond immediately to their needs. There is a vast array of practices that leaders can use to influence the behavior of employees. Few are listed below:

  • Motivate your Employees:

It is a must to motivate your employees by praising them for a job well done and encourage them to give their best output.

  • Building up their Morale:

A leader must use encouraging and positive words to build up their morale .A leader must learn to give freedom to employees to get the job done according to their own style .He must supervise them and correct them nicely and give them suggestions on how they can improve. If a leader is harsh to its employees and is being bossy all the time, then this can lead to employee’s dissatisfaction and they may become a threat to the organizational success. Check out why project resource management is so important?

  • Must consider HR manager’s expertise:

Having the right kind of employees is as important as having the right leader. Employees who can do a fantastic job to best achieve the company’s goals must be hired. That is where Human Resource Management expertise plays a vital role. A leader must listen to its HR managers in assessing the right person for the right job.

  • Comprehending the needs of Employees:

Employees were treated like machines in historical approaches. Today, leaders should realize that every employee has its own uniqueness, and they must consider them as individuals and try to fulfill the needs of its best employees, only then he can expect them to perform the best. If a leader is empathetic, recognizes the mindsets of its employees and has some emotional intelligence, chances are high to avoid any unwanted employee behaviors at workplace.

  • Job Satisfaction:

There is a strong association between job satisfaction and employee retention as indicated by different research methods. A leader must opt for various approaches to support strong job satisfaction. The higher the satisfaction, the better the output.

  • Develop High-profile teams:

The prominent accomplishments in any organization are achieved by teams. So, a leader must be careful in planning a strong diversified team as team performance is also critical to the success of organization.

  • Conflict Management:

It is very important for a sound functioning of an organization to immediately resolve conflicts. It is a known fact, when people gather for a discussion, there are chances that they may disagree in one way or the other, this difference can lead to conflicts. Here a leader must play its part in resolving conflicts on its earliest. He must encourage employees for a collaboration and compromise with mutual understanding. What are the key business intelligence challenges?

  • Understand how to become a Great Leader:

Above all, it is very important for a leader to think and analyze how he can be a great leader, as leaders are the engines who drive activities in organizations. The nature of a leader should match with the styles favored by the organization. In short, a true leader is authentic and positive and considers its employees as an important asset of an organization.

Concluding Remarks:

Today’s youth is more dynamic, enthusiastic, and challenging as compared to the previous generations at a workplace. They are keen to find meaning and sense of achievement in their work rather than focusing only on to making more money. Therefore, a strategic leadership is desperately needed for organizations to advance and progress. Job responsibility, effective communications, and personal life are some more factors that greatly influences an employee’s behavior and they must not be overlooked by the leader. There is a huge well-organized research on the aptitudes of employees, which must be considered while dealing with employees as every employee explicit different behavior at a workplace.



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